A myth is a popular belief that has grown around something. It is a traditional story that has pass from one person to another to explain a practice, belief or natural phenomenon.
Even the
slot machine game has its own myths. With the overwhelming information about slots, that people learned, misunderstood and misinterpreted. Here are some of the common slot machine myths and explanation.
Myth #1 Slot Machines are the worst gamble at a casinoI wonder if all the progressive winners believe this!
A slot machine is a game of chance like any other casino game . You can lose or win just as much on Keno , Roulette Wheel of Fortune and all the other games of chance.
Myth #2
The Temperature of the coins will affect how the machine paysNow you finally know why your granny used to keep her coins in the freezer!
In fact some people believe cold coins are the best to play with , and some people say hot coins are better.
Unfortunately neither of these beliefs are true .The machine is not affected by temperature.
It doesn't matter if you play hot, cold, old or new coins.
The coin slot is a mechanical device and has no feeling
Myth #3
Someone just sat down where I left and hit a big jackpot. If I would have just stayed a bit longer, it would have been mine.
For this to be true, you would have had to push the spin button or pull the handle at exactly the same split micro second that the other player did. Any change in timing yields a different result
Myth #4
I've always heard slot machines pay more often if I only bet one coin at a time.
The mechanism that runs the slot reels, whether they are real or videos, has no idea how many coins you put into the machine. It will produce the same spin whether you play one or max coins..
Like in any other regions or culture, the world of gaming specifically in the world of
online poker has develop its own "taboo" words. This slang words are invented and used by many poker players in game and in different communities like online poker forums.
As a poker player it would be best if you know this online poker slang linggo to better understand other players and enjoy the game. So here are the first batch of online poker slang linggo:
3BetThe act of making a raise against a raise in a hand, or in other words, the final bet in the sequence of Big Blind - Raise - 3Bet.
4BetThe act of raising a 3Bet, or in other words, the final bet in the sequence of Raise - 3Bet - 4Bet.
6maxA slang term used for any poker game where the maximum number of players at the table is limited to six.
ABC PokerA term referred to a way of playing poker "by the book" without any sophistication and in a straightforward manner.
Action CardA card that appears on the turn or river that causes significant betting for two or more players in a hand.
AirballA term used when a player misses a perceived out in a hand.
Ajax1. Hole cards consisting of A-J.
2. One of the top household cleaners in the world (great for bathrooms!).
All in the Flop BuddyNot in the sense that you go "allin on the flop" but rather that the two cards you start with in Hold 'Em don't matter, since any flop can create a monster hand.
American AirlinesPocket aces.
AmmunitionSlang term used for chips at a poker game.
AngleA play that is technically within the rules but considered unethical.
Ante OffWhen a player is absent from a poker table and the antes cause then to lose all their chips.
ArsenalA poker player's repertoire.
AvoidanceThe best strategy to employ when facing off against a better player. Vs. Prahlad Friedman, it is a suggested approach.
Before playing online poker you have to choose the
best online poker room that will give you the satisfaction while playing and of course can give you more chances of winning.
With all the online poker rooms in the internet today, here are some guides on what to consider in choosing online poker room.
BonusesThere are more than enough sites offering a 100% bonus on your 1st deposit to be able to have a wide variety of venue and still cash in on these 'free money' deals, with many sites offering up to at least $200 and a number of them offering up to $500 and $1000.
There are plenty of other rewards for shrewd poker players willing to do a little investigating, most sites run daily freeroll tournaments with $500 or $1000 prize pools; there are player points schemes where players earn points while they play which can be redeemed for cash, free entry into special tournaments or prizes like baseball caps and MP3 players.
Financial SecurityAgain, it's worth checking the website of the poker room for details, the most reputable cardrooms provide all the relevant details about this on their website. There are a multitude of banking options available, arguably the most secure methods are credit cards such as Visa and Mastercard or by e-payment via Paypal and Neteller.
RakeAlthough the unofficial industry standard rakes are 5-10% for ring games and 10% for tournaments, it is worth checking out the website of the poker room you're interested in signing up with to see how competitive their rake structure is for the specific level(s) you wish to play. Some online cardrooms charge more rake than others, especially at the lower limits, make sure you are'nt being overcharged.
Financial SecurityAgain, it's worth checking the website of the poker room for details, the most reputable cardrooms provide all the relevant details about this on their website. There are a multitude of banking options available, arguably the most secure methods are credit cards such as Visa and Mastercard or by e-payment via Paypal and Neteller.
OppositionThis is often one of the most overlooked areas when it comes to choosing a site. It really depends on what you hope to achieve; there are sites that pride themselves on having the best quality players and there are sites that are known for having loose players and excellent earning potential. A good rule of thumb, if you are more interested in playing quality opposition then choose a site which is purely a poker operation i.e. they don't have a sportsbook or casino side to the company. If your primary goal is to make money from playing poker then choose a site which also has casino and/or sportsbook customers as the standard of poker play will invariably be a lot lower and therefore easier to profit from.
Table TrafficSite traffic is divided up into 2 categories; ring game traffic and tournament traffic. Whichever game type you prefer to play, make sure there is enough traffic on the site for the times of day that you are most likely to play at. During offpeak hours, on some sites, it's commonplace to wait 15-20 minutes for a 10 seater Sit & Go to fill, whereas on other sites it takes only a few minutes. If you only have a limited amount of time to apportion to poker every day, this can be an important factor.
If you are a beginner it is advisable that you get yourself familiar with different terms in casino. And by doing this it will be much easier for you to understand the game and get a long with the players.
So for everyone's reference here are the casino term you need to know...
The amount of money a person is wagering is their action.
In poker tournaments which are classified as re-buy tournaments, players will add-on more money to their bankroll.
In poker, moving all your chips in on the wager is going all-in with all of your money on the call or raise.
In poker and other table games, the amount of money wagered at the start of the game.
The casino player who plays craps and can control the outcome of the dice is said to be the arm.
This game is called Punto Banco by some players. The game is a card game where players bet on the player, the banker or a tie hand.
The dealer in table games.
Amount of money a player has budgeted for their gambling fun.
How much the player is wagering is called a bet.
Betting Limits
Table limits are called betting limits. Betting limits are minimum and maximum bets allowed at the table.
The forced bet in poker's game of Texas Hold'em.
To Raise
Burn Cards
Cards the dealer burns before starting the deal.
The pre-determined amount of money required to buy-in at any table.
In order to stay in the game of poker, you have to match the current bet played with a call.
Card Counting
Ken Uston made this little trick famous. There's a way to count cards which can determine the probable outcome in blackjack. Card counting is varied and players can count an entire shoe or they can simply count fives and aces.
Casino Advantage
House Edge the casino has over the players of the game which is usually calculated by a certain percentage.
Casino's answer to money so players don't view their money in cash, but instead only see chips on the table.
A player on a losing streak or a cold table means everyone (for the most part) appears to be losing.
Color Up
Exchanging smaller chips for larger denomination chips is called coloring up and is usually done at the end of a gaming session.
Casino freebies
A casino table game which involves shooting two dice and players winning big money or going for broke unless they have some money management control; craps is a fast-paced game.
The dealer of a roulette or baccarat game is called a croupier.
Cut Card
The plastic card used to cut the cards fairly.
When the cards are dealt to the player, it is called the deal.
The "2" card.
The two little box-like cubes used in sic-bo and craps
Doubling Down
A blackjack betting option usually only offered on 9, 10, and 11 in standard variation games of blackjack.
Down Card
The card dealt face down which you can not see the value of at the time.
Many different meanings for poker is said to be the draw. The most common use of the word is when you "draw" cards in the game and you can be "drawing" on a straight which means you need to draw a card to complete your straight.
An advantage over an opponent or the house's advantage over you.
The software used to keep money transfers safe online.
Even Money Bet
A wager which pays players even money means the bet pays 1 to 1
Eye in the Sky
Surveillance cameras in the casino
Face Card
Jacks, Queens, Kings, Aces
Fifth Street
In seven card stud, the third round of betting.
In cards, an easy player to beat.
The first three community cards dealt in Texas Hold'em.
Fourth Street
In seven card stud, the second round of betting.
The cards you are dealt become your hand.
Hard way Bet
Betting on the hard ways in craps means you place a bet for the dice to be thrown with matching faces. There are 4 ways this can happen. Fives, fours, threes and twos.
High Roller
Someone who spends a lot of money in the casinos.
Hole Card
The facedown card of the dealer in blackjack.
A player who is untouchable by the casino because of their winning streak or a "hot" table is a table which is paying off for the players.
House Edge
This is the casino's advantage over players.
Inside Bets
In roulette, bets on the numbers inside on the board. The inside bets can be any inside bet combination.
A bet for dummies in blackjack.
Large or the largest payout on a slot machine
Commission added for the house. Often used in sportsbetting more than anything else.
Usually a high card in poker which makes the hand a winning hand.
Slots which are paying out.
A betting strategy which encourages players to double up after a loss.
Maximum Bet
The most you can bet on any one hand.
A dealer's blackjack.
Negative Expectation Game
A game which is expected to give the player a loss each and every hour they play because the house's edge is so high.
Net Winnings
Total winnings after you take out the amount of money you risked.
What the chance is you will win.
The line which indicates where the reels must stop for a player to win on a slot machine.
The amount a player is paid out.
A player who doesn't know how to play the games they play.
Where the employees of the casino gather to talk and rate players!
Pit Boss
The boss of the employees who are standing in the pit rating the players!
In craps, the point is the number rolled first which is what the player must roll again before the number 7 appears.
A card game with great history.
The money wagered on each hand in poker which the winning player of each hand will win.
To add to your wager.
A progressive machine is a slot machine with a large jackpot. The jackpot increases as the machine is played.
A tie hand.
Four of a kind in poker.
The house commission.
A player who turns in a player's card is rated and this is a system which is used to help the casino decide how much RFB they receive.
In casino comps, this means room, food, board
Time spent at the table or playing.
Seventh Street
In Seven card stud, the fifth and final round of betting.
A skilled player.
A player who plays in the game for the house.
The shoe is what holds the cards for the dealer. It is usually a plastic or wooden box which sets on the table.
In poker, the last hand, if any players are left to the end, they all must show their hands in a showdown.
Sixth Street
In seven card stud, the fourth round of betting.
A dollar.
Snake EyesOn the dice, when one shows up on each dice for a total of two is called snake eyes in craps.
Soft HandA hand in blackjack where an ace is calculated as one or an eleven.
StiffA hand in blackjack which could be a bust hand if dealt one more card.
SurrenderTo forfeit half your bet to protect your bankroll from further loss.
Tapped OutBusted, broke, out of money.
TiltPoker players who are dealt a bad beat hand are said to go on tilt after the bad beat trying to make up for lost hands won and salvage their playing position.
Third StreetIn seven card stud, the first round of betting.
TripsThree cards ranked the same, three of a kind.
VIP Same as a whale, very important person to the casino.
WagerThe money you bet.
WhaleHigh rollers bet £100 hands, whales bet thousands per hand.
White MeatWhen you are in the profit.
Wild Royal FlushA royal flush which is only accomplished by the wild cards.
Happy learning Casino lingo and be ready to play real money at
online casino rooms
Texas Hold ‘em is considered as one of the most popular poker game offline and online and the best game for beginners. Not unlike other poker games it can be learned in a few minutes by anyone, and you can be playing fairly well with a few hours practice. And in order to learn the game, however, you must play and you must play fairly often.
A Texas Hold'em poker game goes as follows:
- The betting structure can vary. Sometimes antes are used, but most games start with two players to the left of the dealer placing out a predetermined amount of money so there is an initial amount to get things started. This is called posting the blinds. Check out our page on blinds and antes.
- The dealer shuffles up a standard deck of 52 playing cards.
- Each player is dealt two cards face down. These are called your hole or pocket cards.
- Then there is a round of betting starting with the guy to the left of the two who posted the blinds. This round is usually referred to by the term pre-flop.
- The amount a player can bet depends on what kind of game it is.
- Much like most games of poker, players can call, raise, or fold.
- After the betting round ends, the dealer discards the top card of the deck. This is called a burn card. This is done to prevent cheating.
- The dealer then flips the next three cards face up on the table. These cards are called the flop. These are communal cards that anyone can use in combination with their two pocket cards to form a poker hand.
- There is another round of betting starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
- After the betting concludes, the dealer burns another card and flips one more onto the table. This is called the turn card. Players can use this sixth card now to form a five card poker hand.
- The player to the left of the dealer begins another round of betting. In many types of games, this is where the bet size doubles.
- Finally, the dealer burns a card and places a final card face up on the table. This is called the river. Players can now use any of the five cards on the table or the two cards in their pocket to form a five card poker hand.
- There is one final round of betting starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
- After that, all of the players remaining in the game begin to reveal their hands. This begins with the player to the left of the last player to call. It's called the showdown. Players use a combination of their pocket cards and the community cards to form a poker hand. For more about that, go to our forming a five card hand page.
- The player who shows the best hand wins! There are cases where players with equal hands share the winnings. Go to our page about split pots for more info about who wins.
After knowing the basic structure you can now play Texas holdem and other variants. Texas Hold’em is easy to learn but mastering the game is a different story. And the only way for you to master the game is to play the game either offline or playing it in
online poker rooms.
Knowing the rules of the game is not enough to enjoy it. To be a good player special in an
online casino game you have to know and understand the rules of etiquettes. Just because a person is gambling online does not mean that they can become lax when it comes to social etiquette. This is a very important aspect of the game and must not be overlooked. There will be some things that are simply unacceptable for example, being rude and acting in a threatening manner. There are also some game-specific no-no’s that should be avoided as well. Below, we will take at some common online casino etiquette rules.
- Be wise and be nice.

Being respectful of the other players in the game, courteous, kind and easy to get along with, will make the game much more fun and enjoyable for everyone involved. Starting fights, cursing people out and acting generally un-agreeable, will likely make the game less fun for everyone and certainly won’t endear you to the other players. If you want a largely drama free game then treat others with respect. Now, you don’t have to attempt to be best buds with everyone participating in the game but a little civility tends to go a long way.
- Know the rules.
People who does not know and fully understand the game rules can cause delay to the game and frustrating to other players. So don’t be this person and make your game enjoyable.
- Don’t slow everyone down, keep the ball rolling.
It is important that you are able to keep within the flow of the game. Knowing the rules, having a good grasp on the game and being able to make decisions quickly, should allow you to keep up with the other players. If you need to spend some time practicing and playing for virtual money then do this before you wager real money and play in games with other people.
- Report trouble makers.
It is ok if you will report troublemakers as long as you don’t over do this in a way that you will report every single mistake or offense of other players.
- Use the chat feature properly.
The chat feature can be quite beneficial and even a little entertaining. It livens things up a bit to be able to talk with the other players. It gives a more authentic feel to the game similar to what you would experience in a land based casino. However, be sure that you use it properly. Don’t use disparaging language, curse others out or call people names. Essentially, don’t be rude. If you do, you may find yourself being reported.

Baccarat is a casino card game that is similar to Farro and to Basset. It is considered as one of the simple card game with only three possible results - 'Player', 'Banker' and 'Tie'. The term 'Player' does not refer to the customer and the term 'Banker' do not refer to the house. They are just options on which the customer can bet.
Online baccarat and the land base game don’t have much difference. When playing baccarat on the internet you'll enjoy pretty much the exact same rules and high limits you'd enjoy if you were to play in a conventional land based casino, only with the convenience of being able to play whenever and where ever you want. The baccarat variations you'll find at typical online casinos will offer anywhere between 1 and 8 decks similarly to what you'd find if you were to play in Vegas. Microgaming for example offers single deck baccarat however they shuffle the deck after each hand making it virtually impossible to count cards while playing online.
Like in any other games, the element of luck is always present but you can’t rely on it when playing baccarat. You need to learn different strategies from basic to advance to outwit other players and win.
The casino edge plays a big role in the kinds of bets you will make. If you bet on a player, then your odds are 1:1. This means that the casino edge is 1.34% in this case.
Betting on the banker allows you to win bigger, but a 5% “brokerage” is paid back to the casino. In other words, if you win $100, you give back $5 and you’re left with $95. This is all paid at the end of the game. The casino edge, however, is 1.17% in this case. With such odds, one would assume that the banker has a good advantage.
All “brokerage” payouts are put in a special box with your table number. This ensures that the game stays fair. Betting on a tie provides very favourable odds because if you win, you are paid out 8:1. However, you should be made aware of the fact that the casino edge in this case is 14.1%. In other words, only bet on the tie if you are feeling lucky!
The casino edge is relatively low, except for the tie bets. Unlike games like blackjack and poker, the players and the banker cannot make decisions regarding card drawing. This is why you do not have to be an experienced baccarat player to do well. As long as you know the basics and you are familiar with the betting procedure, you should do fine. In short, all you need to do is guess who you think the winner will be. Your gut feel is one of the strongest and wisest choices you can make, and baccarat lets you do just this.
All online baccarat rules are usually printed on the table, which means that those who are playing for the first time have the same edge as professional baccarat players. If you play conservatively, you should make a trickle of a profit by the end of the night. The higher you bet and the better you guess, the more profitable you will be.
The best way to get comfortable with any game is to play it. There are many online casinos which offer free online baccarat. You should enjoy the free play and you will be able to become familiar with the game before you head off to your chosen online casino to play for real money.

Every game you play you have to be aware of the basic game etiquette.
Same thing with online poker, you have to know how to beat them and leave them loving you. A little politeness goes a long way and learning to treat other players with the respect you'd like to receive is an important part of making sure everyone's poker game is more fun, even if they don't win every hand.
Keep the following online poker etiquette in mind and enjoy the game:
- Go easy with your language. Online poker game is an adult activity. Acting with class and watching your mouth is the key. You should avoid using abusive language or being too cocky on how good you play in the chat window.
- Keep up with the pace. Time passes by so quickly if you are enjoying your game. Unnecessary slowing the game can be frustrating to other player. Use advance actions whenever it makes sense.
- All-In Bet. While making an all-in bet during a game of poker can earn you both chips and a reputation at the Texas Holdem poker table, it's important to note that other players frown upon excessive all-in bets, particularly during the first half of a tournament.
Everybody wins when they respect each other and follow online poker etiquette.
Make your winning sweet and fun for everyone.
Online casino or virtual casino is an online version of the traditional casino or “brick or mortar”. Online casino room allows gamers to play and place bets on different casino games via Internet. A typical online casino site might include any of the following casino games: Baccarat, Blackjack, Craps, Roulette,
Online slot games and Online poker.
Online casino can be divided into three groups based on their interface. The web-based casinos are websites that allow their gamers to play online without downloading any software to their computer. On the other hand, download-based casinos are online casino websites that requires their gamers to download a program to their computer, connects to the casino service provider and handles contact without browser support via internet. And the most recent gaming interface is the live casinos; it allows web players to interact with games played in a real world casino environment. Online players can see, hear, and interact with live dealers at tables in casino studios worldwide.
And nowadays there are online casino websites that offer multiple interfaces.
Before signing up in any casino site it is best that you check out what bonuses do they offer. It is because when you are playing you will find many online casino bonus and promotions and some of this bonuses are the signup bonus, cashable bonus and sticky bonus
Signup BonusSignup bonuses are offered by many online casino sites to new players making their first deposit. These bonuses normally match a percentage of the player's deposit with a dollar maximum and almost all online casino signup bonuses require a minimum amount of wagering before allowing cash out.
Cashable BonusCashable bonuses can be cashed out after completing a wagering requirement. A casino might offer a 100% match bonus up to $100 with a wagering requirement of $2000. After wagering $2000 in the casino, the player is able to cash out the $100 bonus. And it often restricts play on certain games
Sticky BonusSticky bonuses are non-cashable bonuses. It can be a bet but cannot be cashed out. When the player makes a withdrawal, the sticky bonus is typically removed from the withdrawal total.
Now are you ready to
play online casino?
Poker is a family of old card games that share betting rules and hand rankings. Poker games differ in a way they are dealt how hands may be formed, whether the high or low hand wins the pot in a showdown (in some games, the pot is split between the high and low hands), limits on bets and how many rounds of betting are allowed. In most modern poker games, the first round of betting begins with some form of forced bet. The action then proceeds to the left. Each player in turn must either match the maximum previous bet or fold, losing all further interest in the hand. A player who matches a bet may also raise, increasing the bet. The betting round ends when all players have either matched the last bet or folded. If all but one player fold on any round, the remaining player collects the pot without showing his hand. If more than one player remains in contention after the final betting round, the hands are shown and the winning hand takes the pot.
are some of the popular variations of poker:
- Straight. Oldest in the poker family. A complete hand is dealt to each player, and players bet in one round, with raising and re-raising allowed.
- Stud. Next oldest in the poker family. Cards are dealt in a prearranged combination of face-down and face-up rounds or "streets", with a round of betting following each.
- Draw. A complete hand is dealt to each player, face-down, and after betting, players are allowed to attempt to change their hand (with the object of improving it) by discarding unwanted cards and being dealt new ones. Five- Card Draw is the most famous variation in this family.
- Community. A variation of Stud, players are dealt an incomplete hand of face-down cards, and then a number of face-up "community" cards are dealt to the center of the table, each of which can be used by one or more of the players to make a 5-card hand. Texas Hold-em and Omaha are two well-known variants of the Community family.
Poker's popularity spiked in 21st century and gave birth to
online poker game and online poker rooms.
Poker Buddy is your online guide in the gaming world of poker and casino.
Dedicated in sharing the latest news, tournaments and gaming guides.